001. Going to the Zoo

She goes to the zoo. She sees a lion. The lion roars. She sees an elephant. The elephant has a long trunk. She sees a turtle. The turtle is slow. She sees a rabbit. The rabbit has soft fur. She sees a gorilla. The gorilla is eating a banana.

▪️ banana: banana
▪️ eat: comer
▪️ elephant: elefante
▪️ fur: pele, pelo
▪️ gorilla: gorila
▪️ lion: leão
▪️ rabbit: coelho
▪️ roar: berrar, urrar, rugido, clamor
▪️ see: ver, assistir
▪️ slow: lento, vagaroso, diminuir a velocidade (de)
▪️ soft: suave, macio
▪️ trunk: tromba
▪️ turtle: tartaruga
▪️ zoo: zoológico

1Credit: Eslfast