002. First day of School

He goes to class. There is an empty seat in front. He sits in the seat. He looks around. There are different people. He says “hi” to the girl next to him. She smiles.

The teacher comes in. She closes the door. Everyone is silent. The first day of school begins.

1credit: eslfast.com

▪ begin = começar, iniciar
▪ class = classe, aula
▪ close = atento, fechar, acirrado, próximo, perto, rente, final, fim
▪ different = diferente, distinto
▪ door = porta
▪ empty = vazio, esvaziar(-se)
▪ girl = menina, garota, moça
▪ next = próximo, depois, a próxima vez
▪ school = escola
▪ seat = assento, lugar, poltrona
▪ silent = silencioso, calado, mudo
▪ smile = sorriso, sorrir
▪ teacher = professor(a)

🧩 Phrasal Verb
▪ close down = usado para dizer que uma empresa fechou, encerrou suas atividades definitivamente.
↳ So many shops are closing down.