003. Water on the Floor

She is thirsty. She gets a glass of water. She begins to walk. She drops the glass. There is water on the floor.

The puddle is big. She gets a mop. She wipes the water off. The floor is clean. She gets another glass of water. She drinks it. She is happy. 

1credit: eslfast.com

▪clean = limpo, limpar
▪ drink = bebida, beber, tomar
▪ drop = queda, deixar, abandonar
▪ floor = pista, piso, andar, assoalho, chão
▪ glass = vidro, copo, taça de vidro
— cup = xícara
▪ happy = feliz, alegre, satisfeito, contente
▪ mop = esfregão, passar esfregão
▪ puddle = poça
▪ thirsty = sedento, com sede
▪ walk = passeio(ar), caminhar(da), andar
▪ wipe = enxugar, enxugada, lenço, limpada

➕ Extra Vocabulary
▪ baby wipe = lenço umedecido
⤷ In the pocket of the baby buggy is a spare nappy and pack of baby wipes.

▪ wipe something off something: limpar algo de algo, remover algo de algo