004. Washing her Hair

Danielle looked in the mirror. Her hair was oily. She needed to wash it. It takes her 30 minutes to wash her hair. But she had a date in 15 minutes.

She didn’t want to look bad though. She got a tablecloth. It had pink flowers on it. She wrapped it around her hair.

Now her hair was all covered. She went downstairs. Her brother started laughing at her. He told her to look in the mirror.

She looked into a mirror. She looked ridiculous. She was jealous of her brother. Her brother had short hair. It only took him 5 minutes to wash his hair.

▪ cloth: tecido, pano (de tirar pó, de prato)
▪ cover: cobrir, capa, ocupar
▪ date: data(r), tâmara
▪ downstairs: do andar de baixo, para baixo, no andar de baixo
▪ hair: cabelo, pelo
▪ jealous: ciumento, invejoso
▪ mirror: espelho, refletir
▪ oily: oleoso, untuoso
▪ pink: cor-de-rosa
▪ ridiculous: ridículo, absurdo
▪ tablecloth: toalha de mesa
▪ wash: lavar(-se), banhar-se, roupa para lavar, lavagem
▪ wrap: embrulhar | unwrap: desembrulhar

🧩 Phrasal verbs
➥ wash up: lavar as mãos, especialmente antes de uma refeição
⤷ It’s time to wash up for dinner.

➥ wash (something) up: lavar louças, os pratos, panelas e outras coisas que você usou para cozinhar e /ou comer uma refeição
⤷ When you finished cooking, please wash everything up.

1Credit: Eslfast