005. Snowboard

Kevin asked Michelle on a date. He wanted to go snowboarding. “I love snowboarding!” said Michelle. This was a lie. She had never been snowboarding. She wanted to impress Kevin. “That’s great!” said Kevin.

“Then we can go to the advanced slope.” Michelle was terrified. The top of the advanced slope was extremely high. It was too late to say (tell) the truth.

“This can’t be that hard,” she thought. “I just have to keep my balance.” Michelle flew off the hill. She stayed standing for less than two seconds.

She looked like a giant snowball by the time she reached the bottom of the slope. Kevin felt bad for her. He hugged her tight to get her warm. Her plan worked out after all.


▪ advance: avançar, avanço, progresso, progredir
▪ balance: saldo, equilíbrio, equilibrar(-se)…
▪ bottom: leito, fundo, parte de baixo, nádegas, traseiro
▪ extremely: extremamente
▪ flow: fluir, correr
▪ giant: gigante, enorme
▪ hill: colina, morro
▪ impress: impressionar, causar boa impressão (em)
▪ slope: inclinar-se, ladeira, declive
▪ snowboard: prancha na neve
▪ terrify: apavorar
▪ tight: firme, apertado, justo, esticado
▪ truth: verdade