007. Bubble Tea

A: Why do they call this bubble tea?

B: I think it’s because of the balls on the bottom.

A: They don’t look like bubbles to me.

B: I told my sister they were frog eggs.

A: Did she believe you?

B: Yes. She started crying.

A: Why was she crying?

B: She said I was mean for eating baby frogs.

A: I agree with your sister; you’re pretty mean.

B: It was just a bit of fun.

A: Well, did you know they’re really fish eyes?

B: You’re definitely not funny.

1Credit: Eslfast

O chá de bolhas (em inglês: bubble tea), também conhecido como chá perolado, chá com pobá/boba, é uma bebida à base de chá cremoso, misturado com frutas ou leite e bolinhas de sagu (pérolas/boba), inventado em lojas de chá no município de Taichung (Taiwan) durante a década de 1980.