008. Making a Sandwich

His stomach was growling. He had not eaten in five hours. He was starving. He went to his kitchen. He took out a loaf of bread. The bread was made from wheat. It was his favorite bread to eat. He grabbed two slices.

He opened the fridge. He gathered all the ingredients. He laid them out across the table. He opened the jar of mayonnaise. It was low-fat mayonnaise.

He spread it across the slice of bread. He used a knife to spread the mayonnaise. He unzipped the container of ham. The ham was honey-glazed. He grabbed four slices of ham. He put it on the bread slice.

He opened the cheese container. He grabbed a slice and put it on top of the ham. He cut some tomatoes and lettuce. He put the vegetables on top of the cheese and ham. He glazed it all with ketchup and mustard. The sandwich was ready for him to eat.

1credit: eslfast.com

▪ fridge: geladeira, refrigerador
▪ glaze: verniz, envernizar, vitrificar, cobertura
▪ growl: rosnar
▪ ingredient: ingrediente, componente
▪ jar: pote, vaso
▪ ketchup: catchup, molho de tomate condimentado
▪ lay: botar, pôr, colocar
▪ out: fora, apagado, para sair…
▪ loaf: filão, pão
▪ mayonnaise: maionese
▪ mustard: mostarda
▪ slice: fatia, fatiar
▪ starve: morrer de fome, passar fome
▪ stomach: estômago, ventre
▪ wheat: trigo

Extra Vocabulary
lay the table (UK): pôr a mesa (colocar pratos, facas, garfos na mesa antes da refeição)
lay também é o passado de ~lie que significa deitar, estar deitado.

Phrasal verb
lay someone off: demitir, despedir alguém do trabalho
⤷The factory laid off more than a thousand employees.

lie down: deitar-se
⤷I’m not feeling well – I’m going to lie down.

lie in: ficar na cama, levantar-se tarde
⤷I lay in till eleven o’clock this morning.