009. Banana nut muffin

Mary goes to the store. The store is very big. The store sells bakery goods. Mary sees a carrot cake. She does not like carrots.

She sees a banana nut muffin. It looks good. It costs two dollars. She buys it. She takes the wrapper off. She takes a big bite. It is crunchy on the outside. It is soft on the inside.

1credit: eslfast.com

▪ bakery: padaria
▪ banana: banana
▪ bite: morder, mordida, dentada, picada
▪ carrot: cenoura
▪ cost: custar, custo, gasto
▪ crunchy: crocante
▪ dollar: dólar
▪ goods: bens, produtos
▪ nut: fruto de casca rija, noz, castanha, porca (peça de metal)
▪ soft: suave, macio, doce
▪ store: loja, reserva, armazenar
▪ wrapper: envoltório, invólucro, embalagem