010. John Loves to Read Books

Reading a book is fun. Books make you smarter. They also make you a better reader. John loves to read books. He reads books on sunny days. He reads books on cloudy days, and he reads books on rainy days.

John has read many books. He read his first book in second grade. His teachers were impressed. John was a good student. He had the highest grades in class.

John learned a lot by reading books. He learned new words. He learned new verbs. He learned new adjectives. John reads every day.

He has learned about the world. He has learned about history. He has learned about animals. He has learned about people.

John loves to learn. He learns something new every day. John has many books. He has large bookshelves.

They are full of books. John collects books. He has bought books at bookstores. John wants to read every book in the world.

1credit: eslfast.com

▪adjective: adjetivo
▪animal: animal
▪bookshelf: estante de livros
▪cloudy: nublado
▪collect: coletar, colecionar, apanhar
▪grade: nota, classificar, dar nota a…
▪history: história
▪impress: impressionar, causar boa impressão (em)
▪rainy: chuvoso
▪smart: inteligente, elegante