011. Sam Loves Watching Television

Watching television is entertaining. Sam loved watching television. He watched it all the time.

He watched it in the morning. He watched it in the afternoon. He watched it in the evening. He loved watching it late at night.

The television was always on in Sam’s house. There’s always something to watch on television. Sam watched cartoons. Sam watched the news.

Sam watched sports. Sam watched documentaries. Sam watched movies. Sam watched sitcoms. Sitcoms were his favorite to watch.

Watching television can be good for you. Watching television is relaxing. Watching television is informing (informative).1 A frase mais natural e gramaticalmente correta é “Watching television is informative”. Explicando: “Informing” é o gerúndio do verbo “to inform”, que indica uma ação contínua ou em processo. No entanto, o verbo “to be” (“is”) já expressa um estado contínuo. Portanto, usar o gerúndio junto com “is” é redundante e gramáticamente desnecessário. “Informative” é um adjetivo que descreve o estado de ser informativo. Como a frase já usa “is” para indicar ser, o adjetivo é a opção mais adequada para qualificar o sujeito “Watching television”. Watching television can bring people together.

Sam liked watching television with friends. Sam recorded television shows. He had a device that would record shows. Sam recorded all his favorite shows.

He re-watched them all the time. Sam had many recordings. Sam wants to be an actor. He wants to appear on television. It is his dream.

2credit: eslfast.com

▪ bee: abelha
▪ actor: ator, atriz
▪ appear: parecer, aparecer, surgir
▪ cartoon: desenho (animado, caricatura), cartum
▪ device: aparelho, dispositivo
▪ documentary: documentário
▪ dream: sonho, sonhar
▪ entertain: receber, entreter, divertir
▪ inform: informar
▪ news: notícias, novidades
▪ record: registro, ficha, disco, registrar
▪ relax: relaxar
▪ sitcom: sitcom, comédia de situação