012. Fruit Shop

Carol walks to the store. The store sells fruits. The fruits are colorful. Strawberries and apples are red. Tangerines and pumpkins are orange.

Lemons are yellow. Limes are green. Blueberries are blue. Grapes and plums are purple. Carol’s favorite color is purple. She buys a plum. She leaves the store. She bites the plum. It is tasty.

1credit: eslfast.com

▪ grape: uva
▪ leave: deixar, licença, legar
▪ lemon: limão-siciliano
▪ lime: uma pequena fruta verde azeda parecida com o limão
▪ orange: laranja
▪ plum: ameixa
▪ pumpkin: abóbora, moranga
▪ purple: roxo, púrpura
▪ strawberry: morango
▪ tangerine: tangerina
▪ tasty: gostoso, saboroso
▪ yellow: amarelo

➕ Extra
— bite off more than you can chew: morder mais do que você pode mastigar, ter mais olhos que barriga
↳ We bit off more than we could chew when we tried to build our own house.

— bite someone’s head off: soltar os cachorros em cima de alguém
↳ I only asked if I could help – there’s no need to bite my head off!