015. A Changed Man

He was a mean man. He treated people badly. He has no respect for anyone or anything. He spits on the ground. He sticks his gum on desks.

He makes people cry. He makes his dates pay for dinner. He yells at his maid. His wife decided to leave him. This changed him. He wanted her back.

He became nice. He donated to the poor. He volunteered at the animal shelter. He gave compliments to people.

He wrote a letter to his wife. He stuck pictures of himself doing good things on the letter. He sent it. Hopefully, she would come back to him.

▪ badly: gravemente, mal, de maneira ruim
▪ compliment: elogio, cumprimentar, felicitar, parabenizar
▪ donate: doar
▪ ground: chão, terreno, campo, gramado, passado e particípio de “grind”
▪ gum: gengiva, chiclete, goma de mascar
▪ mean: significar, duro, rude, querer dizer…
▪ poor: pobre, coitado, ruim
▪ respect: respeito, respeitar
▪ shelter: abrigo, abrigo, refúgio, abrigar(-se), esconder-se
▪ spit: cuspir, cuspe
▪ stick: colar, grudar, bastão, bengala
▪ treat: tratar, agrado, presente, surpresa
▪ volunteer: voluntário(a), oferecer-se, prontificar-se, ser voluntário

➕ Extra Vocabulary
▪ badly off: ter pouco dinheiro e poucas coisas que você precisa para viver, mal de dinheiro
— They’re not badly off but they don’t have much money to spare.

1Credit: Eslfast