018. New Shoes

Mary Green wanted a new pair of shoes. She wanted some blue heels. They cost $150. Mary asked her dad for money. “Are you crazy?” said Mr. Green. “You don’t even wear heels!”

Mary couldn’t stop thinking about the heels. She kept bothering Mr. Green about them. Mr. Green felt bad. He wished he could afford the shoes. It would make Mary happy.

Mr. Green saved money for Mary’s birthday. He gave her the shoes. Mary wore them all night. They left her giant blisters. Mary hated them. She never wanted to wear them again. Mary told Mr. Green that she lost them.


▪ afford: dispor/não dispor de dinheiro ou tempo para fazer algo, permitir-se/não permitir-se o luxo de algo
▪ birthday: aniversário
▪ blister: bolha
▪ bother: preocupar(-se), aborrecer, incomodar
▪ cost: custar, custo, gasto
▪ crazy: louco, bravo, furioso
▪ giant: gigante, enorme
▪ hate: ódio, aversão, odiar, detestar
▪ heel: calcanhar, salto
▪ lose: perder
▪ pair: par, par, casal, par, dupla
▪ wear: usar, vestir, desgastar(-se)