022. Ice-cream and Yogurt

Yogurt tastes sweet. Ice cream is also sweet. She likes to eat yogurt. Her friend likes to eat ice cream. Her friend is a guy.

His favorite flavor of ice cream is chocolate. He does not like yogurt. Her favorite flavor of yogurt was strawberry. She did not like ice cream.

One day, she asked him a question: “Have you tried chocolate-flavored yogurt?” Her friend decided to try it.

They went to a yogurt shop together. He bought a cup of yogurt. It was chocolate-flavored. He sprinkled peanuts on his yogurt. He tasted the yogurt. He liked it.

He asked her a question: “Have you tried strawberry flavored ice-cream?” She said she didn’t and wanted to try it.

One night, they went to an ice cream shop together. She bought an ice cream cone. It was strawberry-flavored. She tasted the ice cream. She liked it. They both now liked ice cream and yogurt.


▪ chocolate: chocolate
▪ cone: cone, casquinha
▪ cup: xícara, juntar em concha
▪ decide: decidir
▪ guy: cara
▪ ice: gelo
▪ cream: creme, creme de leite
▪ ice cream, ice-cream: sorvete
▪ peanut: amendoim
▪ sprinkle: salpicar
▪ strawberry: morango
▪ taste: paladar, gosto, sabor, preferência
▪ yogurt: iogurte

1Credit: eslfast.com