022. Jogging around the Neighborhood

Every day Tiffany jogged 5 miles around her house. She loved running around her neighborhood. It made her feel refreshed for the rest of the day.

She felt more healthy and productive after her runs. She did not always run the same route. She liked to change her route to make running more fun. Sometimes she ran to grocery stores and sometimes she ran to her friend’s house. It was a new journey each time.

In order to run, she had to have the right gear. She always wore quality athletic clothes. She had to wear good running shoes that were durable. 

She kept her hair in a high ponytail so her hair would not interfere with her face. She kept a water bottle with her at all times to continue to stay hydrated.

Sometimes she ran at the gym, but she preferred the fresh air. There was something about seeing the trees and cars passing by that made her happy. 

She always listened to music when she ran. The music kept her motivated and distracted her from the feeling of being tired.

Today she decided to run to a movie theater. She was meeting a friend there later. She had her water, music, and a smile ready. She started running early so that she would be there on time.

▪ athletic: atlético
▪ bottle: engarrafar, garrafa, frasco
▪ distract: desviar, distrair
▪ durable: durável, duradouro
▪ gear: marcha, acessórios, equipamento
▪ grocery: mercearia, supermercado
▪ healthy: saudável, são, sadio
▪ hydrate: hidratar
▪ interfere: intrometer-se
▪ jog: fazer cooper, sessão de cooper
▪ motivate: motivar, incentivar
▪ ponytail: rabo de cavalo
▪ prefer: preferir
▪ productive: produtivo
▪ route: caminho, rota, trajeto

1Credit: Eslfast