028. Time Capsule

George Hernandez had two best friends. They had been friends since elementary school. Now, they were all grown up. George was moving away to a university. Steven was starting a family in another city. Charles got a job in another state. They had to say goodbye.

George didn’t want them to ever forget each other. “Let’s make a time capsule,” he said. They all went home. They looked for things that held memories of their being together.

They found old toys, pictures, and CDs. They put them in a box. Then they buried the box in a park. The boys promised to get together in ten years. They would dig up the box and feel like children again.


▪ box: quadrado, caixa, estojo
▪ bury: enterrar, sepultar
▪ capsule: cápsula
▪ dig: cavar
▪ elementary: elementar
▪ forget: esquecer, esquecer-se de
▪ memory: memória, lembrança, recordação
▪ picture: imagem, filme, ideia…
▪ promise: promessa, palavra, prometer, dar a palavra
▪ then: então, daí, em seguida
▪ toy: brinquedo
▪ university: universidade, faculdade