030. David runs a Marathon

David ran a marathon. He could not believe it. It was a big achievement. Running a marathon is not easy. David had to train all year long. David woke up every morning.

He would put on his running shoes, drink a lot of water, and run out the door. David ran for hours. He stopped only when he finished.

David ran again at night. He had a lot of energy. He never got tired. Running a marathon took a long time. David ran 26 miles and 385 yards. It took 5 hours and 30 minutes to finish.

David was exhausted when he finished. He was really thirsty. He drank a gallon of water. He was still thirsty. David was happy. Running a marathon had been his wish. He could not wait to run it again next year. 


▪ achievement: aproveitamento, realização, conquista, feito
▪ believe: acreditar, supor
▪ energy: energia
▪ exhaust: esgotar, exaurir, esgotar
▪ gallon: galão: medida de 4.546 litros no Reino Unido e 3.785 litros nos USA
▪ hour: hora
▪ marathon: maratona
▪ minute: minuto, momento, pequeníssimo, mínimo, minúsculo
▪ thirty: trinta
▪ train: trem, treinar, estudar, formar-se
▪ wish: desejo, vontade
▪ yard: jarda, jardim, quintal

1Credit: eslfast.com