031. Asking for a Favor

I drive my car. It suddenly stops. I go outside to see what is wrong. It’s a flat tire! I need to call a tow truck service, but I do not have my phone with me.

I see another car coming. I asked the driver if I could borrow his phone. He says, “Of course.” What a nice person!

1credit: eslfast.com

▪ borrow: tomar/pedir emprestado
▪ car: carro, vagão
▪ drive: dirigir, unidade, ir/levar de carro…
▪ flat: furado, plano, liso, estirado
— flat tyre (UK), flat tire (US): pneu furado
▪ nice: gentil, agradável, simpático, bom
▪ outside: fora (de), externo, exterior, de fora
▪ service: serviço, cerimônia
▪ stop: parar, parada, impedir, ponto
▪ suddenly: subitamente, de repente
▪ tire: cansar(-se)
▪ tyre: pneu
▪ tow: rebocar
▪ truck: caminhão
▪ wrong: errado, mau, inadequado, errôneo, incorreto