034. Funny Eating Habits

Heather has funny eating habits. She likes soggy cereal, so she waits 10 minutes after she pours the milk. She eats pizza with a fork and knife. She eats french fries with chopsticks. She drinks ketchup from the packet. She puts ketchup on her chips.

She likes to eat mustard with dumplings. She likes to eat pizza cold. She likes to eat melted ice cream. She likes eating seeds. She likes eating bananas with pretzels. She is not shy to eat weirdly around her friends. People usually stare at her, but Heather does not care.

▪ cereal: cereal, cereal matinal
▪ chopstick: pauzinho usados ​​para comer comida do Leste Asiático
▪ dumpling: bolinho de farinha e água cozido com carne e legumes
▪ fork: garfo, bifurcar-se
▪ French: francês, provenientes ou relacionados com a França
▪ fries: batatas fritas
▪ habit: hábito, costume
▪ ketchup: catchup, molho de tomate condimentado
▪ knife: faca
▪ melt: derreter(-se)
▪ mustard: mostarda
▪ packet: sachê, pacote, embrulho
▪ pretzel: pretzel
▪ seed: semente
▪ soggy: empapado, ensopado

1Credit: Eslfast