037. The Police

He walks into his house. The door is already open. The windows are broken. Clothes are all over the place. The furniture is turned upside down.

He sees a person in a mask. He is being robbed! He makes sure the robber does not see him. He calls the police. The police arrive quickly. They arrest the bad guy.

1credit: eslfast.com

➖ arrest: detenção, prisão, prender, capturar, deter
➖ arrive: chegar
➖ break: quebrar, férias, quebrar(-se)…
➖ call: chamar, grito, chamar, ligar (para)…
➖ clothes: roupa
➖ furniture: móveis, mobília
➖ house: casa
➖ mask: máscara
➖ person: pessoa
➖ place: lugar, casa, colocar, pôr
➖ police: polícia
➖ quickly: rapidamente
➖ rob: assaltar
➖ turn: virar, curva, virar-se…
➖ upside: lado positivo