038. The Hairstylist

The hairstylist loves his job. He provides many services. He cuts people’s hair shorter. It’s very easy for him to do. He charges only $5. He straightens his hair. This is hard for him to do. He charges $100.

He dyes customers’ hair. He lets customers pick any color. He charges $50. People think his prices are fair.

1credit: eslfast.com

➖ charge: cobrar, correr, acusar
➖ customer: cliente
➖ cut: cortar, corte, reduzir
➖ dye: tingir, tintura, corante
➖ fair: claro, feira, (tempo) bom
➖ hair: cabelo, pelo
➖ hard: duro, fortemente, intenso
➖ job: trabalho, tarefa, emprego, função
➖ price: preço, fixar o preço de
➖ provide: suprir, fornecer
➖ service: serviço, cerimônia
➖ straighten: arrumar, esticar, endireitar
➖ stylist: estilista, cabeleireiro