043. To Be Independent

Beverly has been in boarding school since she was ten years old. Her parents put her in boarding school to make her a more independent person.

Beverly was against it at first. She wanted to stay with her parents like most kids of her age. She started getting used to boarding school when she was about 15 years old. She would only see her parents during winter break and during the summer.

Beverly is okay with it now because she is so used to not seeing her parents. Whenever she sees her parents though, they spend almost every day together. However, Beverly is going to attend a university near her parents.

In fact, the university is only 20 minutes away from their house. Beverly asked if they wanted her to stay with them. Her parents said that she should live in the dorms to make more friends. Beverly agreed.

Even though Beverly lived close to her parents, she barely saw them because she was so busy. She did see them during winter break though.

Beverly wanted to study abroad in the summer in Italy. She asked her parents if they were okay with that. “Absolutely not! Being alone in a different country is dangerous!” her mom said. “But I have been alone for so long! Isn’t this why you put me in boarding school to begin with?
I know how to be independent. I am responsible and smart enough to go to Italy alone,” she said.

“Honey, the truth is, we just wanted to spend summer with you,” her dad said. That is when Beverly realized that even though her parents wanted her to be independent, they cherished spending time with her a lot.

▪️ abroad: para o/no exterior
▪️ absolutely: absolutamente, completamente
▪️ attend: comparecer a, ir a, assistir a, frequentar
▪️ barely: apenas, mal
▪️ school: escola
▪️ cherish: guardar, amar, , valorizar
▪️ dangerous: perigoso
▪️ dorm: dormitório, alojamento
▪️ independent: independente
▪️ Italy: Itália
▪️ realize: realizar, perceber, dar-se conta
▪️ responsible: responsável, de responsabilidade
▪️ smart: inteligente, elegante

1Credit: Eslfast