044. An Artist’s Dream

James was always good at painting and drawing. He could paint faces and buildings accurately. He could come up with original artwork, too.

He also does abstract art. Abstract art is art that uses shapes, colors, forms, and textures but does not represent real objects.

For example, a red circle painted on a black background is abstract art. However, James knew that art was not the most stable career.

James was at community college. His parents wanted him to get an Associate Degree. James hated community college though. He didn’t care about math, science, or English. He just wanted to draw.

After one semester, he decided to drop out. His parents were furious. “How are you going to make a living?” his dad asked. “By doing what I am good at,” James said.

The very next day, James enrolled at his local art college. His dream was to eventually become a book illustrator. James did very well at his art college. He won a lot of art competitions.

After he graduated, however, James had trouble finding a job as a book illustrator. There were not that many positions available. After three months of not working, James decided to apply to (for) different jobs.

He applied to graphic design positions and had better luck there. It paid pretty well, too. He did not want to give up on his dream of becoming a book illustrator, but he was glad he was making money. His parents apologized for not believing in him earlier.

▪️ abstract: abstrato
▪️ accurately: precisamente, exatamente
▪️ artwork: obra de arte
▪️ Associate Degree: um diploma universitário nos EUA que é concedido após um curso de estudos que normalmente leva dois anos
▪️ career: carreira
▪️ circle: círculo
▪️ community: comunidade
▪️ competition: competição
▪️ enroll: inscrever-(se), matricular
— enrolment: inscrição, matrícula
▪️ eventually: eventualmente
▪️ furious: furioso
— furiously: furiosamente
▪️ graphic: gráfico
▪️ illustrator: ilustrador
▪️ original: original
▪️ semester: semestre
▪️ shape: forma
▪️ stable: estável
▪️ texture: textura

1Credit: Eslfast