046. The Camping Trip, Part 1

It was the time for the camping trip. He was scared. He was scared of bears. He did not want to be eaten. He was also scared of bugs, ghosts, and poison ivy.1Hera (planta) venenosa

His family packed a bug spray, and a first aid kit. His brother told him ghosts were not real. He was still scared of everything. It was his first time camping.

He was also excited. He brought his journal. He wrote in the journal. “Dear Journal, I hope I do not get eaten by a bear.” It was his worst fear. Bears were huge. He saw one on television. They had sharp teeth. They had big claws. They roared loudly.

It was the night before the trip. He could not go to sleep. He could not stop thinking about the bear. He went to sleep. He dreamed about bears. It was not a nice dream.


▪ aid: ajudar, ajuda, auxílio
▪ bear: urso, dar à luz, aguentar, resistir…
▪ bug: bicho, bichinho, micróbio, doença, grampear (telefone)…
▪ claw: garra, unha afiada
▪ ghost: fantasma
▪ ivy: hera-planta (Rhus radicans)
▪ journal: revista, boletim
▪ pack (US), packet (UK): pacote, maço, fardo, fazer as malas, abarrotar, lotar
▪ poison: veneno, envenenar
▪ scare: assustar, susto
▪ sharp: afiado, sustenido, brusco, pronunciado
▪ spray: borrifo, borrifar, pulverizador, spray

2Credit: eslfast.com