057. Riding the Bus

It was early morning. The sun was just over the horizon. She got on the bus. The bus was smelly. It smelled foul. (The) bus fare was one fifty. She paid her fare.

“Good morning,” said the bus driver. “Good morning,” she said back. The bus driver was friendly. This was odd. She mostly met mean bus drivers. She wondered why.

The bus was full. She looked around for seats. There were no seats in the front. She looked to the back. There was one seat available.

She made her way to the back. There were a lot of people. “Excuse me,” she said. She touched elbows1cotovelos with people. The people let her through. She reached the back of the bus.

Her seat had been taken. She held on to a pole and stood. It was a brand new day. She was happy. It was her first day of university. The bus rode on.


▪ available: disponível
▪ brand: marca
▪ elbow: cotovelo, dar uma cotovelada em
▪ fare: tarifa, preço de passagem
▪ foul: falta, sujar, cometer falta contra…
▪ horizon: horizonte
▪ mean: significar, rude, querer dizer…
▪ odd: esporádico, esquisito, estranho, desemparelhado, sem par
▪ pole: vara, polonês(esa)
▪ smelly: malcheiroso, fedorento
▪ touch: toque, tato, comover…
▪ wonder: perguntar-se, admiração, assombro

2Credit: eslfast.com