058. Diving Off a Cliff

He took a deep breath. He looked down. The water looked cold. He was nervous. “Come on, Jump!” said his friends. He was on a ledge of a cliff. It was a big drop.

All his friends had jumped. They were swimming in the water. His friends waited for him. Fifteen minutes had gone by. He had not jumped. “What are you, chicken?” teased one of his friends.

He was scared indeed. He imagined bad things. He imagined breaking his bones. He imagined drowning. He imagined being eaten by a fish.

“I don’t think this is a good idea,” he said to his friends. His friends then told him not to do it. They were worried. He stepped off the ledge. He climbed down. He safely got in the water. He was safe. He was relieved.


▪ breath: respiração
▪ cliff: penhasco, falésia, paredão de rocha
▪ climb: escalar, subir, entrar em/sair de um lugar apertado
▪ drown: afogar(-se)
▪ imagine: imaginar
▪ indeed: certamente, de fato
▪ ledge: peitoril
▪ nervous: nervoso, ansioso
▪ relieve: aliviar
▪ scare: assustar, susto
▪ step: passo, etapa, degrau
▪ tease: tirar sarro de

1Credit: eslfast.com