062. Being Home Alone

For the first time ever, Gabby was going to be home alone. Her parents and little brother were going on a one-week trip to Hawaii.

Gabby didn’t want to miss out on school, so she said she would stay at home. It was going to be great. She could stay up late as she wanted to, invite people over, and sing as loud as she wanted to.

She invited her friends, William and Agatha, to her house after school. “Wow, it is so cool to have the whole house to yourself. Your parents must really trust you!” Angela said.

Gabby’s parents trusted Gabby because she always told the truth and did the right thing. “You should throw a party,” William suggested. Gabby and Agatha gasped. “Didn’t you hear what I just said?!” Agatha said. “I heard you. I just think Gabby should do the wrong thing for once and not be boring,” William said.

Gabby did think about it. People at school did think she was a goody-two-shoes, and her parents probably wouldn’t find out. “Okay! I’ll do it!” Gabby exclaimed.

Gabby invited the whole 11th-grade class to her house on Friday. A lot of people came and the house was packed. It seemed like everyone was having a good time.

People really liked the food and the music at the party. Eventually, however, the party got too crazy. People started yelling at each other, things broke, and neighbors complained.

All of a sudden, the door opened. It was Gabby’s parents. “Mom, Dad, aren’t you supposed to be here tomorrow?” Gabby asked. “We were, but we came here to surprise you with a gift,” her dad said. Gabby felt guilty.

▪️ complain: queixar-se, reclamar
▪️ crazy: louco, bravo, furioso
▪️ eventually: finalmente, por fim
▪️ exclaim: exclamar
▪️ gasp: dar um grito sufocado
▪️ gift: presente, dom
▪️ guilty: culpado
▪️ loud: alto, forte, sonoro
▪️ pack: pacote, maço, fazer as malas, matilha
▪️ surprise: surpresa, surpreender
▪️ throw: lançamento, lance, arremesso, lançar, arremessar, atirar, jogar
▪️ trust: confiança, ter confiança em, acreditar em
▪️ yell: gritar, berrar

1Credit: Eslfast