064. Suzan’s Garden

Suzan had a garden. She planted fruits and vegetables. The garden was in her backyard. Her backyard was wide and long. She had plenty of space.

Suzan’s garden took up most of the space. Her garden grew several kinds of fruits. It grew watermelons, grapes, strawberries, avocados, oranges, and papaya.

Some fruits grew from the ground. Others grew on trees. Suzan’s garden also grew several kinds of vegetables. It grew tomatoes, potatoes, squash, carrots, and eggplants.

Suzan was proud of her garden. She worked hard to maintain it. Every day she watered her garden. Her fruits and vegetables tasted great. It was because of her care and love.

Everybody in her neighborhood ate from her garden. Suzan sold the fruits and vegetables at low prices. She made a good profit. Suzan did not sell it all. She always kept enough for herself. She knew that fruits and vegetables were good for her health.


▪ avocado: abacate
▪ carrot: cenoura
▪ eggplant: berinjela
▪ grape: uva
▪ health: saúde
▪ maintain: manter, conservar
▪ papaya: mamão
▪ plant: planta, plantar, esconder
▪ plenty: de sobra
▪ potato: batata
▪ profit: lucro
▪ squash: abóbora, achatar, amassar, espremer
▪ strawberry: morango
▪ tomato: tomate
▪ watermelon: melancia

1Credit: eslfast.com