071. Turning 21 Years Old

It was Anderson’s birthday. He was turning 21 years old. His friends planned a party for him. Anderson could now legally drink alcohol, but his friends wanted him to get very drunk.

As soon as Anderson arrived, they gave him his first shot of Tequila. He did not like the taste of it. His friends still convinced him to take another shot of it. He kept trying new drinks the whole night.

“All of these taste disgusting!” said Anderson. The rest of the night kept getting blurrier. When Anderson woke up the next morning he felt terrible. His head was throbbing. His stomach was turning. “I’ll never drink again!” he yelled.


▪ alcohol: álcool, bebida alcoólica
▪ convince: convencer
▪ disgust: repugnar, causar asco em, repugnância, asco, revolta, nojo
▪ shot: tiro, chute, fotografia…
▪ stomach: estômago, ventre
▪ taste: paladar, gosto, sabor, gosto, preferência…
▪ terrible: abominável, terrível
▪ throb: latejar
▪ wake: despertar(-se), acordar(-se)
▪ yell: gritar, berrar

1Credit: Eslfast