078. Visiting America

Hugo was visiting America. His brother lived in America. He came to see his brother. Hugo knew a little English, but he did not speak English very well. His brother’s name was Pablo. Pablo was showing him around America.

He took him to the best places to eat. He took him to all the famous sights. They went to New York, California, Washington, and Pennsylvania.

Pablo took him to a lot of museums and gardens. He also showed him stores and libraries. Hugo had a great time. He did get a little homesick.

▪ around: ao redor (de), em volta (de), em torno de
▪ famous: famoso
▪ garden: jardim
▪ homesick: saudoso da pátria/do lar/da família
▪ library = biblioteca
▪ little: pouco, pequeno
▪ museum: museu
▪ place: lugar, casa, colocar, pôr
▪ show: mostrar
▪ sight: visão, imagem
▪ visit: visitar, visitar

➕ Extra Vocabulary
❶ round = redondo, em casa, de visita, em volta (de), circularmente, em círculo, ao redor (de), dar a volta, por aqui

❷ round and round = movendo-se em círculo sem parar, em círculo, voltas e voltas
⤷ We drove round and round trying to find the hotel.

❸ first, second, final, etc. round = primeira, segunda, última, etc. rodada, etapa de uma competição
⤷ He was beaten in the first round.

❹ a little = um pouco

❺ take place = realizar-se
⤷ The meeting will take place next week.

❻ all over the place = em muitos lugares diferentes, em todos os lugares
⤷ There was blood all over the place.

❼ take someone’s place = pegar o lugar de alguém
⤷ If I can’t go to the show tonight, will you take my place?

❽ in place of something = no lugar de algo
⤷ I use honey in place of sugar in my tea.

❾ in sight = à vista
⤷ The towers of the city were now in sight.

❿ out of sight = fora do alcance da visão, escondido
⤷ She kept out of sight behind a tree.

1Credit: Eslfast