082. Big Dreams

Daniel White dreamed of being a painter. There was one small problem. He had never actually tried painting before. Still, he loved the idea of it. He was sure that he could be great at it.

Daniel decided to take his first painting class. Painting turned out to be harder than he thought. All of Daniel’s paintings looked terrible. For a whole year, Daniel practiced his painting skills. There was no large improvement.

Daniel decided that it was time to give up his dream. “I’ll just try something else,” Daniel said to himself. “I’ve always thought I would make a great rock climber!”

▪ climber = alpinista
▪ climb = escalar, subir, trepar, entrar em/sair de um lugar apertado, escalada
▪ decide = decidir
▪ dream = sonho
▪ improvement = melhora, progresso
▪ paint = tinta, pintar
▪ painter = pintor(a)
▪ idea = ideia
▪ problem = problema
▪ rock = rocha, pedra, balançar
▪ terrible = terrível
▪ whole = todo, inteiro

Phrasal Verb
➖ turn out = acontece de uma maneira particular ou para obter um resultado específico, especialmente um inesperado, resultar, dar
↳ How did the recipe turn out?