082. Sixteenth Birthday

It was her birthday. She was turning sixteen. She was born on the fifth of August. She was having a birthday party. Everybody was coming.

She invited her friends. She had a lot of friends. She also had a lot of aunts and uncles. This made her happy because it meant more presents for her.

She was getting ready for her party. She dressed up in her best outfit. Her mom prepared the food. Her dad went to pick up the cake. Her brother set the tables and chairs.

The party was happening in the backyard. The party was in four hours1A frase também poderia ser escrita como: The party would be in four hours.. They were almost ready.

Dad brought back chocolate cake. Mom cooked all the food. Her brother got the backyard ready. The birthday party was a success.


▪ aunt = tia
▪ cake = bolo
▪ happy = feliz, alegre, satisfeito, contente
▪ invite = convidar, chamar
▪ mean = significar, querer dizer, duro, rude
▪ mean (UK) = avarento, mesquinho
▪ outfit = roupa, modelito
▪ party = festa, partido, grupo
▪ prepare = preparar
▪ present = presente, estar presente, presentear
▪ success = sucesso
▪ turn = (fazer) virar, virar, volta, giro, virada
▪ uncle = tio

Extra Vocabulary
➖ not turn a hair = não dar a mínima
↳ I was expecting him to be horrified when he heard the cost but he didn’t turn a hair.

➖ turn a deaf ear = ignorar alguém quando se queixa ou pede algo
fazer-se de surdo.
↳ In the past they’ve tended to turn a deaf ear to such requests.

➖ turn tail = dar meia-volta e fugir, geralmente porque você está com medo, dar no pé
↳ As soon as they saw we had guns, they turned tail and ran away.

2Credit: eslfast.com