084. Volunteering at the Animal Shelter

Tom had nothing to do this summer. His mom told him that he could not just stay at home. He was also tired of staying at home, so he decided to volunteer.

He thought about places he could volunteer, the library, the hospital, and the animal shelter. He finally settled on the animal shelter. He loved animals. He owned two cats, three fish, and a pet lizard.

He went to the animal shelter to sign up. He filled out all the forms. Two weeks later he began to volunteer. He assisted people who wanted to adopt animals. Tom had a lot of fun. He was glad he volunteered.

▪ adopt: adotar
▪ assist: ajudar, auxiliar, assistir
▪ hospital: hospital
▪ lizard: lagarto
▪ own: próprio, possuir, ter
▪ pet: animal doméstico, bicho de estimação
▪ settle: liquidar
▪ shelter: abrigo, abrigo, refúgio, abrigar(-se), esconder-se
▪ stay: estada, permanecer, permanecer, ficar
▪ summer: verão
▪ volunteer: voluntário, oferecer-se, prontificar-se, ser voluntário

🧩 Phrasal Verb
own up: confessar/admitir que você fez algo errado
↳ No one has owned up to breaking that window.

1Credit: Eslfast