089. A Toothache

Her tooth was aching. She could not eat. It hurt every time she chewed. She could not even swallow. She knew what she had to do. She was scared. He had not gone to the dentist in years. It was time to make an appointment.

She called their number. She set an appointment. It was for Friday at five o’clock.1Era sexta-feira às cinco horas. She was not looking forward to it. She hated going to the dentist.

She was afraid of the pain, but she had no choice. She was already in pain. The tooth had to come out.

The dentist told her the same. She sat back in the chair. The dentist gave her a painkiller. She still felt some pain. It was soon over. The tooth was removed. It no longer hurt to chew. It was a relief. She could now eat and chew without pain.


▪ ache: dor, doer
▪ appointment: cargo, nomeação, consulta, agendamento
▪ chair: cadeira, dirigir
▪ chew: mastigar
▪ dentist: dentista
▪ hurt: doer, magoar, machucar, ferir…
▪ pain: dor, tristeza
▪ relief: alívio
▪ remove: remover, tirar, afastar
▪ scare: assustar, susto
▪ swallow: engolir, andorinha
▪  tooth: dente

2Credit: eslfast.com