092. Over the Bush

Robert plays catch with William. Robert throws the ball to William. The ball is too high for him to catch. The ball goes over the bush.

It is in the neighbor’s yard now. The boys knock on the neighbor’s door. Mr. Carter opens the door. They ask if they can get their ball back. He is mad. They say sorry. He says it is okay this time.

▪ ball: bola, baile
▪ bush: arbusto, touceira, matagal
▪ catch: apanhar, pegar (doença), apanhar, pegar…
▪ door: porta
▪ knock: bater, batida, esbarrar, derrubar
▪ mad: louco, louco, doido, bravo, furioso
▪ over: sobre, caído, série…
▪ sorry: penalizado, arrependido
▪ throw: lançamento, lance, arremesso, lançar, arremessar, atirar, jogar
▪ yard: jarda, jardim, quintal

Phrasal Verb
▪ catch up = pôr o assunto em dia
⤷ Let’s go out for lunch – I want to catch up on all your news.
I’ll catch up with you later.

▪ catch up (with someone/something) = alcançar (alguém/algo)
⤷ She’s doing extra work to catch up with the rest of the class.
⤷ We soon caught up with the car in front.

Extra Vocabulary
▪ catch-up TV (UK) = vídeo sob demanda, um sistema via internet para assistir a programas de TV depois de transmitidos.
⤷ We offer catch-up TV, so that people who miss a programme will be able to view it on demand.

▪ programme (UK), program (US) = programa

Extra Vocabulary
▪ know-how = conhecimento técnico e/ou prático, habilidade
↳ technical know-how