093. A Perfect Wedding

Pam was getting married. She was very excited. She was also nervous. Everything had to be perfect.

She was scared that things would go wrong at the last minute. Her maid of honor was her sister, who made sure everything was ready.

She checked all the guests. She made sure the cake and food were ready. She prepared the flower girl and the ring bearer.

Everything was perfect. The wedding colors were purple and silver. There were purple and silver flowers on all the tables.

The wedding ceremony was outdoors. It was by a beautiful lake. All the chairs had silver ribbons tied to them. It was a beautiful day.

▪ bearer: titular, portador(a)
▪ ceremony: cerimônia
▪ flower: flor
▪ maid: empregada doméstica, camareira
▪ prepare: preparar, preparar(-se)
▪ purple: roxo, púrpura
▪ ribbon: fita
▪ ring: anel, círculo, ringue
▪ scare: assustar, susto
▪ silver: prata, de prata, prateado
▪ tie: gravata, amarrar, prender, amarrar, fazer (nó)
▪ wedding: (cerimônia de) casamento
▪ wrong: errado, mau, inadequado

1Credit: Eslfast