093. Scared of the Dark

He finishes watching a scary movie. His parents tell him to go to sleep. He goes into his bed. He turns off the lights. He cannot fall asleep. He keeps thinking about the movie. He is scared of the dark.

What if a ghost attacks him? He goes to his parents’ room. He sleeps there.

▪ asleep: adormecido
▪ attack: ataque, atacar, agressão
▪ dark: escuro, moreno
▪ fall: cair, outono, baixa, queda…
▪ finish: final, acabar com, terminar, acabar
▪ ghost: fantasma
▪ light: luz, iluminar, claro
▪ movie: filme
▪ parent: pai, mãe
▪ scare: assustar, susto
▪ scary: assustador
▪ watch: sentinela, vigia, relógio de pulso, tomar cuidado (com)…

🧩 Phrasal verb
▪ watch out: usado para dizer a alguém para ter cuidado
↳ Watch out! There’s a car coming!