094. Snow Globe

Betty opens up her present. It is a snow globe. She shakes it. Glitter falls down. She looks inside the globe.

It is Santa Claus! He has a white beard and a big belly. He has a bag of presents. He only gives gifts to good kids. Betty is a good kid. She hopes Santa Claus visits her. 

▪ asleep: adormecido
▪ attack: ataque, atacar, agressão, ataque…
▪ dark: escuro, moreno
▪ fall: cair, outono, baixa, queda…
▪ finish: final, acabar com, terminar, acabar…
▪ ghost: fantasma
▪ light: luz, iluminar, claro…
▪ movie: filme
▪ parent: pai, mãe
▪ scare: assustar, susto
▪ scary: assustador
▪ watch: sentinela, vigia, relógio de pulso, tomar cuidado (com)…

🧩 Phrasal verb
▪ watch out: usado para dizer a alguém para ter cuidado
↳ Watch out! There’s a car coming!