006. The First Song

She sits in the car. Her dad turns on the radio. A song plays. She taps her feet. She sways her head. Her dad laughs at her. He likes the song too. The song is over. The radio plays a different song. She does not like the new song. She sits quietly.

▪️ car: carro, vagão
▪️ dad: papai, pai
▪️ different: diferente, distinto
▪️ feet: pés | foot: pé
▪️ head: ir, cabeça, mente
▪️ laugh: rir, risada
▪️ over: sobre, caído, acima de
▪️ quietly: em silêncio, em voz baixa, baixinho
▪️ radio: rádio
▪️ sit: sentar-se, fazer (prova), sentar, estar sentado
▪️ song: canção
▪️ sway: balançar
▪️ tap: torneira, dar pancadinhas em
▪️ turn: virar, curva, virar-se…

1Credit: Eslfast