018. A Lot of Ants

She eats a slice of cake. She drops a crumb. The ants can smell it. They crawl towards the crumb. She notices the ants. She does not want to kill them. She gets a cup. She puts the ants inside. She opens the window. She lets the ants go.

▪ ant: formiga
▪ cake: bolo
▪ crawl: passo de tartaruga, crawl (estilo de natação), rastejar, arrastar-se, engatinhar
▪ crumb: migalha
▪ cup: taça, xícara, juntar em concha
▪ drop: deixar, queda, abandonar
▪ eat: comer, comer, almoçar, , jantar
▪ inside: interior, dentro (de), no interior
▪ kill: matar, doer muito
▪ notice: aviso, atenção, notar, reparar
▪ put: colocar, pôr, escrever, anotar
▪ slice: fatia, fatiar
▪ smell: cheiro, cheirar, olfato
▪ towards: perto, em direção a
▪ window: janela, janela (computador)

1Credit: Eslfast