034. The Dog Howls

She jumps into her bed. She is ready to sleep. She hears a noise. She looks out her window. She sees a dog howling. She goes outside.

The dog is sad. His owner does not feed him. She gets the dog some food. She plays catch with him. His tail wags.

1credit: eslfast.com

▪ catch: pegar (doença), apanhar, pegar
▪ food: comida, alimento
▪ hear: ouvir, escutar
▪ howl: uivar, berrar
▪ jump: saltar, pular, salto, pulo
▪ noise: barulho, ruído
▪ outside: fora, fora de, externo, exterior, de fora
▪ owner: dono, proprietário
▪ ready: pronto, preparado
▪ sleep: dormir, sono
▪ tail: rabo, cauda
▪ wag: abanar