091. Reading Questions

She starts reading a book. It is hard to understand. The words are very advanced. She does not know what they mean.

She gets a dictionary. She wants to know what “facile” means. She finds the word. It means “too simple.” She looks up at other difficult words. She rereads the book. She understands it better.

▪ advanced: avançado
▪ dictionary: dicionário
▪ difficult: difícil
▪ facile: simplista
▪ find: encontrar
▪ hard: difícil
▪ know: saber
▪ mean: significar
▪ start: começar
▪ understand: compreender
▪ word: palavra

➕ Extra Vocabulary
▪ know-how = conhecimento técnico e/ou prático, habilidade
↳ technical know-how