021. Graduating from High School

She was graduating from high school. She was excited. Graduation was in one week. She had to prepare for graduation.

She went to the store. She bought make-up and hair products. She wanted to look her best.

Next, she had to buy her graduation gown at her school. The gown was dark blue. It looked nice. She took it home. She hung it in her closet.

Graduation was three days away. She was proud of graduating. Her family was also proud. She was the first one to graduate from high school in her family. It was a big accomplishment. She planned to go to college.

Graduation day came. She got dressed and ready. Soon, she was at the event. Her family was there. 

They watched from a distance. They called her name. She went to pick up her diploma. The audience cheered. Her family was happy. She was happier.


▪ accomplishment: realização, conquista, feito
▪ audience: público, plateia, audiência
▪ closet: guarda-roupa, armário
▪ dark: escuro, moreno
▪ diploma: diploma
▪ distance: distância
▪ event: evento, acontecimento
▪ gown: vestido de noite longo
▪ graduate: formado(a), formar-se, graduar-se, licenciado(a), graduado(a)
▪ hang: enforcar, pendurar, estar pendurado
▪ prepare: preparar, preparar(-se)
▪ product: produto
▪ proud: orgulhoso, arrogante

1Credit: eslfast.com