099. Parade

It was fun going to the parade. He went to the parade every year. He never missed going. The parade was tomorrow. He was going with his girlfriend. His girlfriend’s name was Mary.

This year, he planned on bringing his little sister. His little sister had not gone to a parade. It was her first time going. She was excited.

It was the day before the parade. They made their plan. They had to wake up early. They had to bring snacks and water. They also had to wear comfortable shoes. The parade lasted all day.

The day of the parade came. Everything went according to plan. The parade was amazing. They saw marching bands. They saw parade floats. Some of them were big. The parade ended in the afternoon. They were tired, but they were happy.

They went back home. “Can we come back again?” his little sister asked. He smiled at her. She knew the answer already.


▪ amazing: incrível, estupendo, incrível, surpreendente, assombroso
▪ band: tira, faixa, banda de músicos, fanfarra
▪ comfortable: confortável, à vontade
▪ float: flutuar, boiar
▪ last: último, durar, por último
▪ little: pouco, pequeno
▪ march: março, marchar, marcha, passeata…
▪ miss: perder, evitar, faltar a…
▪ parade: desfile, desfilar, ostentar, exibir
▪ plan: plano, planejar, pensar em, planta, projeto, mapa
▪ snack: petisco, lanche
▪ wear: usar, vestir, desgastar(-se)

1Credit: eslfast.com