100. Music Festival

The music festival was today. He was ready to go. His favorite singer was performing. He packed his autograph book. He hoped to get close enough. He wanted his autograph. He was determined to get it. 

He left early to (for) the music festival. He arrived in one hour. He had a hard time finding parking. He parked far from the festival. It was the closest parking he could find.

He walked half a mile. He got to the festival. He found a seat near the front of the stage. He waited for the music festival to begin. It was not long before it started. The music festival began. He looked around. There were hundreds of people.

Everybody was moving and jumping. The music started playing. His favorite singer went on stage. He wanted his autograph. He got onto the stage. He got his autograph.


▪ amazing: incrível, estupendo, incrível, surpreendente, assombroso
▪ band: tira, faixa, banda de músicos, fanfarra
▪ comfortable: confortável, à vontade
▪ float: flutuar, boiar
▪ last: último, durar, por último
▪ little: pouco, pequeno
▪ march: março, marchar, marcha, passeata…
▪ miss: perder, evitar, faltar a…
▪ parade: desfile, desfilar, ostentar, exibir
▪ plan: plano, planejar, pensar em, planta, projeto, mapa
▪ snack = petisco, lanche
▪ wear: usar, vestir, desgastar(-se)

1Credit: eslfast.com