014. Back to School

Mr. Gonzales was a janitor. He was unhappy with his career. He was a smart man. He knew he could do more with his life.

Mr. Gonzales wanted to go back to college. He had always dreamed of becoming a teacher. If he finished college, this could come true.

Mr. Gonzales was forty years old. His children told him he was too old to go back to college. “You will look like a grandpa,” they joked. “That’s not true!” said Mr. Gonzales. “I will be the wisest student there!”

Mr. Gonzales graduated from college four years later. His children were very proud of him.


▪ career: carreira
▪ dream: sonho, sonhar
▪ finish: final, acabar com, terminar, acabar…
▪ graduate: formar-se, graduar-se, licenciado, graduado, formado
▪ grandpa: vô, vovô
▪ janitor: zelador(a)
▪ joke: piada, dizer piadas, caçoar, brincar
▪ proud: orgulhoso, arrogante
▪ smart: inteligente, elegante
▪ true: real, verdadeiro, verídico
▪ wise: sábio, sensato, prudente