026. A New Tattoo

Kevin Turner wanted to get a tattoo. He couldn’t wait to get his first one. Tattoos are expensive. Kevin couldn’t afford to go to a professional. “Don’t worry,” said his friend. “I know a guy who will do it for free”.

Kevin wasn’t sure that was safe. He agreed to it anyway. Kevin asked the tattooist to draw a rose on his arm. The tattoo hurt a lot. Kevin couldn’t take the pain. He shut his eyes tightly. He did not open them until the tattoo was finished.

“What is that?” yelled Kevin. “It’s a rose!” said the tattooist. It looked more like a rock to Kevin. He never got a free tattoo again.


▪ afford: dispor/não dispor de dinheiro ou tempo para fazer algo, permitir-se/não permitir-se o luxo de algo
▪ arm: braço, armar
▪ draw: desenhar, puxar, atrair, mover-se, empate
▪ expensive: caro, dispendioso
▪ guy: cara
▪ professional: profissional
▪ rock: rocha, pedra, rock (música), balançar
▪ rose: rosa, vinho rosé, passado de “rise”
▪ safe: seguro, cofre
▪ tattoo: tatuagem
▪ tattooist: tatuador(a)