056. Looking For a Roommate

Ronald was moving to college. He needed a place to stay. Every apartment around the school was very expensive. “I’m going to be a homeless college student,” he joked.

Ronald thought of a solution. He posted an advertisement online. He wrote, “Looking for a roommate around (the) college campus. Must be neat and sane” Within one day, he had twenty replies. Ronald didn’t really want to share an apartment with a stranger.

However, this was the only way he could afford anything. “I just hope he’s not dirty or crazy,” he thought. After interviewing everyone, he picked a guy he really liked. They ended up being friends their whole life.


▪ advertisement: anúncio
▪ afford: dispor/não dispor de dinheiro ou tempo para fazer algo, permitir-se/não permitir-se o luxo de algo
▪ apartment: apartamento
▪ campus: campus (universitário)
▪ dirty: sujo
▪ expensive: caro, dispendioso
▪ neat: legal, arrumado, ordenado
▪ post: postar, poste, correio…
▪ sane: são
▪ share: parte, ação, dividir
▪ solution: solução, resolução

Phrasal verb
▪ share something out: repartir algo
— We shared out the profits between us

1Credit: Eslfast