072. Missing Dog

Phillip’s dog had died. He had owned the dog for four years. He loved him so much. Phillip was devastated. Phillip’s six-year-old daughter loved the dog even more.

“Oh no,” said Phillip. “This is going to break her heart!” He did not want to tell his daughter such sad news. Phillip decided to lie. He told his daughter that their dog ran away.

The girl cried for hours. Phillip took her to the dog pound to check if they had their dog. Their dog was obviously not there. However, there were a lot of other cute puppies. Phillip and his daughter took a new pet home.


▪ break: parar, fazer uma pausa, quebrar, descanso, intervalo, pausa, fratura, ruptura, férias
▪ check: verificar, tique/ticar (✔)
▪ cute: revisar, verificar, conferir, controle
▪ daughter: filha
▪ decide: decidir
▪ devastate: devastar, arrasar
▪ heart: coração
▪ lie: deitar, estar deitado, mentir, mentiras
▪ obviously: obviamente, claramente
▪ pet: animal de estimação
▪ pound: libra (= 453.6 gramas) | Libra (moeda do UK)
▪ puppy: filhote de cachorro, cachorrinho

Extra Vocabulary
➖ break the law: infringir a lei
➖ decide on something/someone: decidir-se por algo/alguém
➖ devastating: devastador, arrasador
➖ a pack of lies: um amontoado de mentiras
➖ lie down (phrasal verb): deitar-se
I’m not feeling well – I’m going to lie down.

➖ lie-down (noun): descanso
I usually have a lie-down after lunch.
She said she was going for a lie-down.

➖ lie in (phrasal verb): ficar na cama, levantar-se tarde
I lay in till eleven o’clock this morning.

➖ lie-in (noun): ficar na cama até tarde
I had a long lie-in this morning.

1Credit: Eslfast