013. Borrowing Books from the Library

Daniel goes to the library. He needs to borrow books on penguins. The library has all types of books. The library has movies and CDs, too.

Dan doesn’t have books on penguins. He actually doesn’t buy that many books. He thinks books are a waste of money.

Why buy books when you can borrow them from the library? He has to make a library card. He fills out his information. The application asks basic questions. He signs his name at the bottom.

He borrows 10 books on penguins. He goes to the checkout desk. The librarian scans the books. He takes the books home.

▪ basic: básico, fundamental
▪ borrow: tomar emprestado, pedir emprestado
▪ bottom: leito, fundo, parte de baixo, nádegas, traseiro…
▪ card: cartão, placa, carta de jogo…
▪ checkout: caixa
▪ fill: encher, encher-se
▪ information: informação, informações
▪ librarian: bibliotecário(a)
▪ penguin: pinguim
▪ scan: escanear, ultrassonografia, dar uma olhada em, correr os olhos por…
▪ type: tipo, digitar
▪ waste: resíduos, dejetos, lixo, desperdiçar, perder, esbanjar, de sobra, de refugo, residual

🧩 Phrasal verb
➥ fill something in/out: preencher algo, para escrever todas as informações necessárias em um documento.
Please fill out this form.
➥ fill (something) up: ficar cheio ou fazer algo ficar cheio, encher algo, encher-se
The restaurant soon filled up with people.